Dr Amy Chan-Dominy
SPRinT Faculty
Royal Brompton Hospital
Amy completed her training under the Australia & New Zealand College of Intensive Care Medicine, with diverse clinical experience in all sub-specialties including retrieval and hyperbaric critical care.
Since 2008, her clinical time has been equally shared between adult and paediatric intensive care at ECMO and trauma specialist centres which included The Alfred Hospital in Australia, Evelina Children’s Hospital in London, and Melbourne Royal Children’s Hospital.
Amy’s journey in simulation training started when working with Dr Meredith Allen in Melbourne, then volunteering with the Hands Up for Health programme delivered by the Simulation And Interactive Learning (SaIL) centre team based at St Thomas’ site designed for children and young people in south London. Her experience was advanced under the SPRinT Programme when she joined the Royal Brompton Hospital in 2015. As a faculty team, she has contributed in promoting regular SPRinT sessions in the adult critical care department.
With keen interest in education and airway care, Amy developed the Team and Resource for Airway in Critical Care (TRACC) course with the aim to enhance airway rescue team performance with safe, flexible approach to airway management issues.
When not waltzing on the ICU floors, Amy enjoys ballroom latin dancing.